Valley of the Shadow
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Revival of Know Nothingism

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"We overheard a few days ago the following interesting and important conversation between two 'culled pussons' of a complexion somewhere between that of an ace of spades and the outside of a black kettle, who were leisurely sunning themselves up on a wood pile."

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Attention Delegates!!

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Letter from the Hon. John M. Botts

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" if his soundness or unsoundness on the slavery or other questions had anything to do with the contest between Mr. Goggin and himself."

Letcher and Goggin

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Rockingham Calls for a Convention

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The Weather

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Brigadier General

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Opposition Fiction

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To the Delegates of the Congressional Convention

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A New Ticket for City Fathers

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Desperate Fight With Runaway Negroes

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A Sable Sickles Case

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Middlebrook District Meeting

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Full Text of Article

Pursuant to a published notice, a meeting of the Democrats of the 3d Magisterial District, convened on Saturday, 19th inst., at Middlebrook, for the purpose of appointing delegates to meet in Harrisonburg on the 30th of March, 1859.

On Motion of Capt. R. M. Firth, Geo. Shuey, Esq. was called to the Chair, and Wm. H. Randolph appointed Secretary.

On motion of Jacob Baylor, Esq., a committee of three was appointed to nominate suitable delegates and alternates.

Committee appointed by the Chairman, - Jacob Baylor, Jno. Wilson, and Wm. H. Randolph.

Committee retired and after a short absence returned, and reported the following names, to wit:

B. F. Shuey, Jas. A. G. Scott, David Baylor, Sam'l X. Kerr, Jas. Berry, Capt. R. M. Firth, Moses Strickler, Jno. B. Hess, Wm. S. McChesney, Jas A. F. Randolph, delegates.

Geo. Shuey, Wm. Kerr, Wm. Morgan, G. G. Coon, I. L. Beard, Wm. Thompson, L. D. Shaw, Wm. P. Cealey, alternates.

On motion, Jacob Baylor and Wm. H. Randolph were appointed alternates, and the reported was then received. On motion, a copy of the proceedings was ordered to be forwarded to the offices of the County papers, with the request that they be published. On Motion, the meeting then adjourned.

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Announcements for Congress

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Judge of Court of Appeals

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