Valley of the Shadow
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Battle Near Winchester

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Support the Families of Poor Soldiers

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Reverses of the Revolution

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Soldiers on Furlough

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"The enemy is pressing us on all sides. We want every man we can get. We cannot spare a man."

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We adopt the appeal of the Richmond Dispatch in reference to the annexed order No. 16, of the Adjutant and Inspector General revoking all furloughs. It revokes, on the spot, all leaves of absence, from whatsoever quarter obtained; it orders all officers and men absent from duty except on surgeon's certificate of disability, to return at once to their respective commands.--The Department adopts this with reluctance; but we feel assured that it will be cheerfully obeyed. The enemy is pressing us on all sides. We want every man we can get. We cannot spare a man. Our soldiers, who have manifested so much devotion, so much self denial, so much patriotism, will bear this cross without a murmur. We appeal to them in the name of all that they hold sacred--country, home, wives, children, friends, altars, and firesides--hasten at once to the field. They will thereby add to the already large debt of gratitude due them from their country. They will be admitted and pointed at, as men who were, when the occasion called for it, ready to sacrifice all to their country. Posterity will hold them in veneration, and they will be regarded in history as worthy of all imitation.

Men of the South, will you be found wanting on such an occasion? Your former history proves that you will not. Wherever your duty calls you, there will you be. It may be hard to relinquish the pleasures of home sooner than you expected, but your country calls you and you will not fail her. Her eyes are upon you, and great as will be your reward if you succeed, greater will be your misfortune if you fail. But why speak of failing? It is a word of which you know not the meaning, when it is applied to your charge of duty.

To your posts, men of the South, to your posts!

WAR DEPARTMENT, Adj't. and Inspector General's Office.
Richmond, March 21, 1862,

General Orders, No. 16.

All leaves of absence and furloughs, from whatever source obtained, are revoked; and officers and men absent from duty, except on surgeons' certificate of disability, will return at once to their respective commands. It was with extreme reluctance that the Department adopts a measure which deprives our patriotic soldiers of the relaxation they have so well earned; but the enemy presses on every side, and the necessities of the service demands new illustrations of that noble self denial which has been so many times evinced since the commencement of our struggle for independence. The furloughs of all who have engaged for the war, which are thus curtailed, will be extended hereafter, when circumstances permit. But, judging from the past, no fears are entertained of an unwilling response to this call. Those who have so many times proved their devotion to their country, cannot be indifferent or backward in this hour of her greatest need. By order of the President,

S. A. Cooper, Adjutant and Inspector General.

Plant Corn

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Address of a Soldier Condemned to be Shot

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The Falling Back of the Army of the Potomac--The Enemy Foiled

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Baltimore Methodist Episcopal Conference

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Come to Life Again! Eagon's Southern Liver and Antibillious Pills

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"In order to meet the wants of the Confederate States in the present emergency, the undersigned is now prepared to supply the inhabitants of the South with Eagon's Southern Liver and Antibillious Pills, formerly known as Eagon's American Liver Pills. These Pills are so well known in this community that it is almost useless to speak of their virtue or curative properties. . . . In addition to their superiority in point of virtue and efficiency over Northern Pills, they are Southern born and raised, which gives them a double claim on the patronage of our people."

Proposition to Raise Regiments of Free Fighters

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Two Runaways!

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Ran away from the subscriber, at Mossy Creek Iron Works, on Sunday night, the 23rd of March, two NEGRO MEN, hired for the present year, named THORNTON and DAVID. Thornton is about 35 years old, about 5 feet 4 inches high, is a tolerably bright mullatto, and was hired of Dr. Holloway of Caroline County.

David is of rather dark color, his height and age not recollected. He was hired of J. M. Macon of Richmond.

Daniel Forrer.

April 1, 1862--tf

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Page Description:

Report of skirmishes near Nashville. Proclamations of the Governor involving the formation of the militia. Previously tagged notices. Remainder of page ads.

Good Officers Needed

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What is Martial Law?

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