Valley of the Shadow
Page 1
Page Description:

Advertisements, columns 1-3; poem, sketch of Confederate Colonel Ashby by the New York World correspondent, column 4; anecdotes and brief news items, column 5

Page 2
Page Description:

Advertisements for political candidates, column 1; news from Cairo and from Mexico, column 4; news from Commodore Foote's Expedition, column 5

From Yorktown

(column 1)


"Yorktown was the grave of British oppression in our Revolutionary struggle for Liberty--God grant that, in 1862, Yorktown may prove to be the burial place of the last foe of Freedom and of the Republic on this continent."

Review of the Past Year

(column 1)

Recognition of Hayti and Liberia

(column 2)

Nineteen Repel [sic] Vessels Taken in the Rappahannock

(column 2)

Capture of New Orleans

(column 3)

Fort Jackson in Possession of Our Troops

(column 3)

From Gen. Halleck's Army

(column 4)


"We captured twelve prisoners, none of whom expressed regret at being taken. They say the people [of the] South are sick of war."

Affairs at Yorktown

(column 5)
Page 3
Page Description:

Advertisements, columns 4 and 5

Town Meeting!

(column 1)


(column 1)

Died from Wounds

(column 1)

Noble Act

(column 1)


(column 2)


(column 3)


"The conquest of the hell-hatched, Slave-drivers Rebellion goes bravely on. Long live the Republic!"

In Hospital

(column 3)


(column 4)


(column 4)
Page 4
Page Description:

Prices current, column 1; advertisements, columns 2-5

What Shall Be Done with the Enfranchised Negroes?

(column 1)

Honor to Whom Honor is Due

(column 1)


"To be the author of such acts is an honor of which any might well be proud."

The Suppression of the African Slave Trade

(column 1)
(column 1)


"Vallandigham is a disgrace to the House and should be turned over to the traitors and rebels of the South whose tool he is, and to whom he legitimately belongs."
(column 1)