Valley of the Shadow
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Page Description:

List of federal, state, and local officeholders, column 1; Semi-weekly Dispatch prospectus, column 1; advertisements, columns 1 and 2; poem, column 3; short articles reporting that Tennesseeans will vote soon on secession and that George McClellan, just over thirty years old, will be commander in chief of the federal army if General Scott died, column 4

Soldiers' Health

(column 3)

Floral Treasures

(column 4)

How a Kuntuckian [sic] was Treated in Virginia

(column 5)
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Article urging businesses to continue advertising during slow economic times, column 1; excerpts from a speech by Sam Houston, column 2; article listing the number of men in the standing armies and navies of different nations, column 2; excerpts from a speech given at Fort Hamilton by Rev. Henry Ward Beecher that praises the soldiers who fought at Fort Sumter on the side of the government, column 3; article about government seizure of telegraph dispatches throughout the North that will provide evidence of Northerners aiding "Southern rebels," column 4; advice from "an old soldier" to volunteers, stating that they should avoid whiskey, column 4; advertisements, column 5

England and America

(column 1)
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Advertisements, column 2; prices current, column 3; advertisements, columns 4, 5

Removal of Quarters

(column 1)
(column 1)

Full Text of Article

The Baltimore correspondent of the New York Tribune, under date of May 20th, thus notices the arrest of Judge Mason, at this place:

"The arrest of J. Thomas Mason, late Collector of this port, at Chambersburg, on suspicion of being a spy, has sent a thrill of terror among his sympathising friends in this city. His release has not comforted them, for they see in this thing the display of the forces that may yet crush them. The idea that he went to that town in quest of a purchaser for three negro children, is rediculous [sic]. A more incorrigible rebel against the United States is not to be found in all Cottondom, and that he went to spy out the land, is just as evident as that Extra Billy Smith was permitted to visit Washington for the same mean and despicable purpose."

Important to Hucksters

(column 1)

Tribute of Respect

(column 1)
(column 2)

Full Text of Article

The Soldiers' Hospital was removed yesterday from the Mansion House to the town Hall. This is a good move. The complete ventilation afforded will materially aid in the recovery of the patients.

Post Office Removal

(column 2)

Died in the Hospital

(column 2)


(column 4)
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Poem, column 1; article about the moral virtue of George and Martha Washington, column 1; advertisements, columns 2-5