Valley of the Shadow
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Richmond and Its Battle-Fields

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A Southern Prison

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The Spectre of Retribution

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Full Text of Article

The Philadelphia Age of Thursday has a doubled-leaded editorial of a column and a half, under the caption of "The Voice of Warning," the prayer of which is--"In God's name let us have peace!"

Naturally anxious to ascertain what had so unstrung the nerves of the Age, we found upon a glance at its incoherent mutterings and its mingled threats and cries for protection, that it fears the return of the rebel-copperhead victories of Memphis and New Orleans to roost in the Philadelphia convention. It therefore is frightened out of all propriety, and implores the firemen, the business men, the solid men, the merchants, the killers, the bouncers, and all the rest of mankind to give it peace.

A Philadelphia correspondent of one of the New York papers happened to say that the Rebel-Johnson convention "is regarded with disfavor" there, and that "the returned soldiers and fire companies freely and openly declare that they intend to break up the gathering." Upon this information brought in by way of New York, the Age is bowed down with grief and fear, and it begs with fitful flashes of cowardice and bombast that its dear rebel friends shall be let alone.

Of course the Philadelphia Convention will be protected fully in its rights as a deliberative body. It will be made up of ex-rebel Vice Presidents, Generals, Colonels, Senators, Congressmen, &c., from the South; of the Woods, the Vallandighams, the Hughes's and their followers of the North, and it will meet in the city of all others conspicuous for loyalty--a city that has sacrificed more noble sons upon the bloody altar of treason than any other in the Union. Returned soldiers may feel but little pride in the assembling of such a body of men in Philadelphia, but they will not imitate the conduct of the men who are to lead the convention, as displayed in the New York butcheries of 1863 or the Memphis or New Orleans massacres of 1866. There will be peace, unless defiant treason shall flagrantly violate it, and the Age's favorite hot-house of treachery will be at liberty to do its work.

A word to the Age as to New Orleans and Philadelphia. A constitutional convention, elected by the loyal people of Louisiana, met in 1864 and framed a most magnanimous constitution, under which rebels fill every important office in the State to-day. The men who were then in open, deadly war against the government, have returned and now occupy the places of honor and trust and make and administer the laws of the State. In accordance with a resolution of the convention, it was recently recalled to meet in New Orleans, but not until the approval of the rebel Governor had been obtained and the assurance given that it would be protected in its deliberations. It could do no harm, whatever its purposes, for the whole power of the State, executive and judicial, is in the hands of traitors. It was a perfectly lawful assembly--certainly in no sense lawless, and it had a right to expect protection.

When it met, the rebels who were in the ranks of Dick Taylor's army when it originally assembled in 1864, but who have since become the governing class, resolved that as Union men are a source of constant annoyance and irritation, they should be murdered and thus exterminated. The rebel Governor had some sense of justice, and he asked protection for the convention, but they instantly deposed him, and telegraphed the President that the Governor had betrayed them! With the power of the State thus usurped by the Lieut. Governor and Attorney General under the direct sanction of the President, and with Monroe as Mayor of the city, they at once pronounced the convention a "lawless body," because it was composed of loyal men, and the systematic murder of the members was commenced. Some forty persons, black and white were butchered, with the hearty approval of the President, and with a ready apologist in the Age. The President instead of directing the military to preserve the peace as he should have done, peremptorily ordered them to sustain the civil authorities, and thus they were under the command of a rebel Mayor, who was the chief of the murderers!

On the 14th of August the rebels of the South, (there will not be a single loyal exception) and their sympathizers of the North will meet in Philadelphia. They will come, as they say, to consult upon the condition of political affairs--just as did the Louisiana Convention. It will be a lawful assembly, because not forbidden by law, as was the Louisiana Convention. The civil authorities of Pennsylvania and of Philadelphia have no sympathy with traitors, just as the rebel authorities of New Orleans and Louisiana have no sympathy with loyal men. The Age may not wish the parallel to go farther, but for the sake of truth, we shall pursue it.

It is not fairly a supposable case, but for the sake of proper illustration permit us to suppose that Mayor M'Michael, who has ardently supported the government, should regard an assembly of rebels and semi-rebels as a lawless body, made up to a large extent of men whose lives have been justly forfeited by treason; and suppose that Gov. Curtin should consult only his loyal instincts and treat an assembly of murderous traitors and their abetters as an insult to the law and to loyal society, and therefore the State and City Executives should invite the lawless to murder the representatives on the pretext of suppressing an unlawful body. Suppose farther, that President Johnson, in the midst of the massacre, should instruct the military "to support the civil authorities," instead of requiring them to preserve the peace, and the end would be the suppression, by murder and arrests, of the proposed convention, so that Gen. Meade would be enabled to report officially to Washington (as did Gen. Baird of New Orleans) that the riots had been suppressed and "about forty persons have been killed and a large number wounded, nearly all being friendly to the convention!" Would the Age have excuses at hand for the civil authorities, for the murderers, and for the chief accessary, the President, as it has had for just such acts in New Orleans?

Will the Age study the parallel, and inform its readers of what it really thinks of the crimsoned victories of its friends in Memphis and New Orleans? Is protection to all classes in Philadelphia a right any more sacred than in other cities or sections of the Union? If not, will the Age join us in demanding protection to life, person, property and opinion in every State in the Union? If its party will but do so, the spectre of retribution that now haunts it would speedily vanish, and there would be peace throughout the length and breath of the land.

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Rebel Massacre in New Orleans!--Most Horrible and Wanton Butchery! Over 200 Killed And Wounded! The Rebel Authorities Sustaining The Murderers! President Johnson Approves The Acts Of The Rebel Fiends! He Makes The Military Obey The Rebel Mayor Of The City! A Loyal Convention The Victim Of Rebel Vengeance! Gen. Sheridan Reports That All Arrests Could Have Been Made Without Murder! He Next Reports It A Rebel Conspiracy To Murder Union Men! The President Usurps The State Government To Place The Murderers In Power! Interesting Dispatches And Incidents!

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Full Text of Article

The President of the Louisiana Constitutional Convention of 1864, in accordance with the authority especially conferred upon him by that body, recalled it to meet recently in New Orleans, and Gov. Wells, a devoted rebel and as such elected Executive of the State, approved the call. The Convention could do nothing more than meet and address the people, and was therefore certainly not a lawless assembly. It could have made no changes in the organic law, and could force no new or objectionable statutes upon the State. The courts are thoroughly rebel and would not allow any body of men to harm any others than loyal citizens. The Convention met, and was at once greeted with a mob, inspired by the rebel Lieut. Governor, Attorney General and Mayor Monroe--the same who was rebel Mayor when the Union forces captured the city. Attorney General Herron telegraphed President Johnson that Gov. Wells had betrayed them, (the rebels) and of course the President at once rushed to the rescue of his friends. The result was the dispersion of a peaceable convention by murder. Many of its members who were leading Union men were killed, and a free butchery of the negroes followed of course. The military were directed by the President to obey the rebel Mayor Monroe, and in the name of law and order, the rebels butchered Union men and negroes until their vengeance was glutted. The following is the President's dispatch to the rebel Attorney General, thus utterly ignoring Gov. Wells, who had been deposed by the mob and put in jail:

WASHINGTON, Monday, July 30th, 1866.
To Andrew S. Herron, Attorney Gen. of Louisiana:

You will call on Gen. Sheridan, or whoever may be in command, for sufficient force to sustain the civil authorities in suppressing all illegal or unlawful assemblies who usurp or assume to exercise any power or authority without first having obtained the consent of the people of the State.

If there is to be a Convention, let it be composed of delegates chosen from the people of the whole State.

The people must be first consulted--no changing the organized laws of the State.

Usurpation will not be tolerated.

The law and the Constitution must be sustained, and thereby peace and order.

The "civil authorities" consisted of an Attorney General who has usurped the position of the Executive, and the rebel Mayor of the city. They being lawful dignitaries, all that they pronounced unlawful was to be suppressed.

The following despatches to the Tribune show how the riot progressed:

New Orleans, July 30--3 P. M.

The riot is progressing with frightful results. President Johnson telegraphed the military to support civil authorities. Mayor Monroe and his police force, sympathizing with the Rebel element, have broken up a peaceable assemblage of loyal men, killing and wounding a number of the Convention. Gov. Hahn is dangerously wounded and locked up in jail. An indiscriminate massacre of Union men is going on. God help the colored people. Gen. Baird has forsaken them; no troops have yet arrived. Gen. Sheridan is absent, but expected to return to-night. Two Confederate flags have been raised and the city is in their possession. Gov. Wells is a prisoner in their hands.

New Orleans, July 30--9 P. M.

The troops have been marched into the city, and martial law proclaimed. Gen. Kautz has been made Military Governor of the city. I have just visited the State-House, where the members of the Convention and Union men were slaughtered; it presents a ghastly appearance, the floor is literally flooded with blood of our best Union men. Comparatively, quiet has been restored, but it is regarded as the calm before the storm. Many Union men are known to have been murdered. Gen. Baird is responsible for this, inasmuch as he had no troops in the city, although warned of what has transpired. Gen. Sheridan's staff have behaved very gallantly. All Union and peaceable citizens pray for the return of Gen. Sheridan.

New Orleans, July 31.

Thanks to the military authorities, from 8 o'clock last evening to this writing (4 p. m.) the city has been comparatively quiet. Dr. Dostie is not dead. I have just seen him; but it is impossible for him to live twenty-four hours. He is riddled with bullets, and pierced through the bowels with a sword-cane. Gov. Hahn, the Hon. John Henderson, Dr. Hare, Hon. S. S. Fish, the Hon. George Haares, the Rev. Mr. Hanson, Hon. Alfred Shaw, Mr. Enhurst, Capt. John Burk and others were dangerously wounded. When Gov. Hahn was taken to the station-house, he was covered with blood. These men were shot while in the hands of the police. Capt. Loup, 1st New Orleans infantry, was brutally murdered by a policeman while standing inoffensively on the corner of the street. There was a preconcerted plan to massacre all Union men. The fire bells gave a signal, and the firemen armed with knives and pistols, rushed through the streets to a general rendezvous, and commenced and indiscriminate slaughter of colored men. I cannot ascertain the name of a single policeman killed. Mayor Monroe boasts that the President will restore him, and replace civil law within 12 hours. If he does, God help Union men.

The following additional particulars are replete with interest, and fix the responsibility for this terrible Massacre clearly upon the rebels and the President:

New Orleans, Wednesday, August 1--6 P. M.

Thanks to martial law and the presence of troops, the city is comparatively quiet. The Rebel press, afraid of the consequences of this riot, are attempting to shift the blame on the negroes, when it is well known the police, and the fire department, and things generally, were organized for the purpose of massacring the members of the Convention and other Union men.

The Times, a notorious Rebel sheet, says "To see negroes mutilated and literally beaten to death as they sought to escape was one of the most horrible pictures it has ever been our ill fortune to witness." A military commission, of which the gallant Major-Gen. J. A. Mower is President, has been organized to investigate and report upon all facts connected with the late riot.

The following telegraphic correspondence explains itself:

WAR DEPARTMENT, July 21, 1866.

To his Excellency Gov. Wells.

I have been advised that you have issued a proclamation convening the Convention elected in 1864. Please inform me under and by what authority this has been done, and by what authority this Convention can assume to represent the whole people of the State of Louisiana.

The Governor's reply is as follows:

New Orleans, July 28, 1866.

To his Excellency, Andrew Johnson, President of the U. S.:

Your telegram is received. I have not issued any order convening the Convention of 1864. The Convention was reconvened by the president of that body, by virtue of a resolution authorizing him to do so, and in that event for him to call on the proper officers of the State to issue writs of election for delegates in unrepresented parishes. My proclamation was issued in response to that call. As soon as vacancies can be ascertained, they will be filled, and then the whole State will be represented in the Convention.

The telegraph of the President to Attorney-General Herron is regarded as a virtual overthrow of the Constitution of the State, superseding the Governor, who, by Article 59 of the Constitution, is charged with seeing the laws executed. The Rebel Gen. Herron is therefore military dictator, and, by President Johnson's order, the troops are placed at his disposition. Union men are preparing to leave the State en masse, under the impression that the Government will not protect them. Gen. Sheridan has returned, and will sustain martial law until after a thorough examination is made by the commission, unless, as is feared, the City Government is given back to the Rebel murderers of our Union by the President's orders.

Mayor Monroe's letter of the 25th ult. to Gen. Baird, in reference to the Convention, is published. He says it is his intention to disperse this unlawful assembly. Gen. Baird replies in a lengthy letter, and says:

I cannot understand how the Mayor of a city can undertake to decide so important and delicate a question as the legal authority upon which a Convention claiming to represent the people of the entire State bases its action.

Gov. Wells has applied for military protection, his life having been threatened.


In order that the following from Gen. Sheridan may be fully understood, it should be stated that he was absent from New Orleans when the disturbances commenced:

New Orleans, August 1--1:30 P. M.

Gen. U. S. Grant, Washington, D. C.:

You are doubtless aware of the serious riot which occurred in this city on the 30th. A political body, styling itself the Convention of 1864, met on the 30th for, as it is alleged, the purpose of remodeling the present Constitution of the State. The leaders were political agitators and revolutionary men, and the action of the Convention was liable to produce breaches of the public peace. I had made up my mind to arrest the head men if the proceedings of the Convention were calculated to disturb the tranquility of the Department, but I had no cause for action until they committed the overt act. About 40 whites and blacks were killed, and about 160 wounded. Everything is now quiet, but I deem it best to maintain a military supremacy in the city for a few days, until the affair is fully investigated. I believe the sentiment of the general community is great regret at this unnecessary cruelty, and that the Police could have made any arrest they saw fit without sacrificing lives.
P. H. Sheridan, Maj. Gen.


It seems that Gen. Sheridan has hastened to correct his first dispatch. As he had not been in New Orleans for some time before the riots nor during the riots, he had evidently sent his first dispatch upon information obtained wholly from the rebel authorities. The very next day, however, he began to understand that it had not been a riot, but a deliberately planned massacre of Union men, and he so telegraphed Gen. Grant promptly, but so far his second dispatch has been suppressed by the President. Its receipt in Washington, however, became positively known, and the New York Times (Johnson organ) states the fact, as do the Tribune, the Philadelphia Press and the Ledger. The following are the special dispatches to those papers from Washington. The Tribune says:

Gen. Sheridan telegraphs to-day to Gen. Grant that the riot was not the result of a mere mob, but a preconcerted and prearranged plan of weeks for the slaughter of Union men! The dispatches of the Associated Press are tempered to suit the latitude from whence they are sent, and are dictated by the disloyal State officials. Attorney-General Herron, who was an officer in the Rebel service, virtually ranks Gen. Sheridan, as by the order of the President the military are subject to the call and disposition of the civil authorities. Rumor here to-night says Gen. Sheridan will resign on account of the President's conduct in this affair, and the embarrassing position loyal officers are placed in.

The Ledger and New York Times have the following dispatch:

Gen. Sheridan, in a dispatch from New Orleans to Gen. Grant, received to-day, states that the riot in that city was not the effect of a hastily congregated mob, as has been represented, but was the result of a preconcerted and prearranged plot of the Rebels to slaughter the leading Union men of the State, and that there is evidence that the plan was concerted weeks ago. Sheridan also gives it as his opinion that it is but the commencement of the Rebel plan to rid Louisiana of Union men. Officers from the South-West say there are only about 1,200 United States troops serving in Louisiana.

The dispatch to the Press is as follows:

It is stated on good authority that Gen. Grant received a further dispatch to-day from General Sheridan in relation to the New Orleans riot. He says it was not the work of an excited mob, but was the execution of a preconcerted plan on the part of the rebels to slaughter the leading Union men of the State, and was concocted weeks ago. He expresses the opinion that further acts of violence will be attempted if opportunity occurs. The dispatches of the Associated Press are well known to have been filtered through rebel agents, and many of them are said actually to have been dictated by the State officials themselves.

Will Andrew Johnson let the people see Sheridan's last dispatch?


New Orleans, August 2, 1866.

The Military Commission appointed to investigate the massacre of Union men took Dr. Dostie's deposition to-day. The Hon. John Henderson and the Rev. Mr. Horton were too weak to give evidence. The Rev. Mr. Jackson, the Hon. Oscar Paynot, the Hon. E. Dupaty, and the Hon. George Howe are among the dangerously wounded not heretofore reported. Gov. Hahn and the Hon. S. S. Fish are badly wounded, but will recover. I saw them to-day in the hospital. The sworn testimony before the Commission will prove that the massacre of Monday was one of the most blood-thirsty events that has ever stained the page of history.

It will be sworn that a well-known, respected and peaceable citizen remonstrated with the mob and police for their butchery, when the mob cried, "D--n them, kill them! The President is with us. Haven't we seen his order to-day?" The back door of the Institute was nailed up during the massacre, to prevent the escape of those inside. Arrangements were made by the Chief of Police, with A. B. Griswold & Co., to furnish the populace with pistols.

The pistols were furnished as agreed. A. B. Griswold & Co., are the firm of Hyde, Goodrich & Co., the largest manufacturers of arms for Rebels during the late Rebellion. Their property was confiscated upon that account, and subsequently returned. Nothing but the powerful arm of the military prevents a recurrence of the scenes of Monday.

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Local Items--The Montana Train

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More Incendiarism

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Local Items--Merrited Promotions

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Local Items--Waynesboro Items

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Local Items--Emancipation in Jamaica

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Local Items--Burglary

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Removal of the Post Office

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Union County Convention

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Full Text of Article

The Delegates elected in the several districts of Franklin County, to represent them in the Union County Convention, met in the Court House, on Tuesday, August 7, at 11 o'clock. The Convention was permanently organized by the election of the following officers:

President--Edward Aughinbaugh.

Vice Presidents--Jno. Downey, Jno. Cressler.

Secretaries--Capt. J. H. Clayton, Jacob Bensinger.

The following is a list of the Delegates:

Antrim--D. W. Rowe, Jacob Pensinger, Geo. H. Miller, Wm. Snyder, Jno. Ruthrauff, F. B. Snively, J. A. Fleming, David Gsell, James Sites.

Chambersburg--North Ward--Lyman S. Clark, E. Aughinbaugh, Samuel Myers, Daniel O. Gehr, C. C. Foltz.

South Ward--Geo. J. Balseley, Gen. Eyster, H. S. Stoner, Jacob N. Snider, Barnet Earley.

Concord--Jacob Seibert, Daniel Johns, Saml. Johns.

Dry Run--Wm. H. Mackey, James Furgeson, James M'Cartney.

Fayetteville--Jno. M. P. Snider, John W. Bar, Jacob Kauffman, John Benedict, John Downey.

Greenvillage--Dr. C. T. Maclay, Jno. H. Criswell, Jno. Yost.

Guilford--Andrew Statler, Jacob Strickler, Henry S. Miller, Upton Henderson.

Hamilton--B. S. Huber, H. Greenawalt, John Deitrich.

Letterkenny--Capt. John S. Eyster, Dr. Z. Hartzell, Capt. E. K. Lehman.

Loudon--David Vance, Henry M'Laughlin, John Hollar.

Lurgan--Peter Seilhamer, James Atchison, John W. Saltsman.

Merecersburg--James G. Rhodes, Jacob Hallman, Capt. A. R. Davidson, Wm. Adams.

Metal--Jacob Flickinger, Maj. Jas. M'Curdy, A. C. Typer.

Orrstown--Samuel Knisely, John Foglesonger, Francis Maclay.

Peters--Peter Kunkleman, Robert McKinnie, Samuel Gsell.

Quincy--Col. Geo. B. Weistling, Jno. G. Study, Samuel B. Wingert, Wm. Stover, A. F. Doud.

St. Thomas--J. R. Tankersly, Francis Peckman, Chas. Gillen.

Sulpher Spring--Mathew W. Fegan, Jas. Fegan, Jas. Emory.

Southampton--John H. M'Mullen, John Dice, John Cressler.

Washington--W. H. Brotherton, W. S. Amberson, Danl. Potter, Henry X. Stoner, Henry Bear, Capt. J. H. Clayton, Benj. F. Funk.

Welsh Run--John Wolff, David B. Martin, Joseph Winger.

Warren--Henry Thomas, Emanuel Secrist, J. M. Philips.

On motion a committee of seven was appointed to draft resolutions for the consideration of the Convention.

On motion it was resolved that this committee be chosen by the Convention. The following gentlemen were chosen:--D. W. Rowe, of Antrim; W. H. Brotherton and W. S. Amberson, of Washington; H. S. Stoner, of Chambersburg; G. B. Weistling, of Quincy; C. T. Maclay, of Green, and Wm. Adams, of Montgomery.

On motion Geo. Eyster, of Chambersburg; D. W. Rowe, of Antrim, and J. R. Tankersley, of St. Thomas, were appointed by the Convention Congressional Conferees, with instructions to support Gen. William H. Koontz, of Somerset county, for Congress.

On motion D. O. Gehr, of Chambersburg; J. H. Criswell, of Green, and J. H. Clayton, of Washington, were chosen Representative Conferees.

On motion it was resolved that a County Committee be appointed to consist of one member from each election district, who shall be nominated to the Convention by the several delegations in attendance.

On motion it was resolved, that the Delegate from this County to the next State Convention be selected by this Convention by ballot.

On motion Convention adjourned till 1 o'clock.


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This page contains advertisements.