Valley of the Shadow
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The Guerilla Moseby

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Fast Young Ladies

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In order to be a fast young lady, it is necessary to lay aside all reserve and refinement--everything that savors of womanly weakness; to have no troublesome scruples, but to be ready to accord an appreciating smile to the broadest joke. There must be no feeling of dependence on the stronger sex; but, by adopting, as far as decency permits, masculine attire, masculine habits, and masculine modes of expression, accompanied by a thorough knowledge of slang, and a fluency in using it, these ladies show themselves to be above all narrow-minded prejudices. There must be no thinking about other people's feelings; if people will be thin skinned, let them keep out of their way at all events. Should "mamma" raise her voice in a feeble remonstrance, the fast young lady impresses upon her that "she is no judge of these matters. In her old school days, everything and every one were slow; but it is quite changed now." In short, to sum up, to be a fast young lady, modesty, delicacy, refinement, respect for superiors, consideration for the aged, must all be set aside; boldness, independence, irreverence, brusqueness, and, we fear, too often heartlessness, must take their place.

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Republican Retrenchment

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Disinterment of Soldiers

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Political Nominations

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The Election!

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The State

We have but partial returns from the State, and they indicate the success of the Union State ticket by from 8,000 to 12,000. Philadelphia gives from 3,000 to 4,000; Allegheny 5,000; Lancaster 4,500; Dauphin 1,200. Berks gives 5,000 Democratic, Cumberland 500, and scattering reports show uniform Democratic losses in the heavy Democratic counties on the vote of last October. Our last dispatch from Philadelphia, at 1 1/2 this morning, says that the State is regarded as Union by from 8,000 to 12,000, but gives no details. We do not accept this report as conclusive, but we do not see how the result can be against us.

Franklin County

At the time of going to press (2 A. M., this morning) we have but twelve of the twenty-two districts reported, and they show a Union gain of TWENTY-TWO on the home vote for President last year, when Gen. McClellan had forty-six majority. This leaves twenty-four majority to overcome in the remaining districts, and we cannot even guess as to the result. We hope for a falling off in Letterkenny, Lurgan and Concord, from the crushing Democratic majorities of last year, and a small Union gain in Metal, but we can only surmise.

The local ticket runs rather ragged. McClellan gains considerably--probably forty votes--in Chambersburg. Doebler also gains largely here and is pretty certainly elected Sheriff. Kuhn is also elected Surveyor, but the rest of the ticket is in doubt.

We have no returns for Assembly excepting from the North Ward, Loudon and St. Thomas, and cannot calculate the result. Col. Stumbaugh will probably lead Tressler from 50 to 100 in the county, and McLellan will lead Stumbaugh probably from 50 to 75. We have no returns from Perry to indicate the vote of the county. Our Representatives are therefore in doubt.

Greenvillage is the banner district. She has done most nobly, and had her efforts been imitated throughout the county, the entire Union ticket would now be triumphantly elected.

Duncan gains a few votes for Senator and may have a very small majority over M'Conaughy in the county. A dispatch from Gettysburg states that the Union men have made clear gains, but the county is pretty certainly Democratic by 100 to 125, so that Duncan's election to the Senate is assured.

The following is the vote by districts in the county as far as they are reported, compared with the home vote for President last year:

Pres. 1864. Aud. Gen. '65. Senator. Lincoln M'Clellan Hartranft Davis M'Conaughy Duncan Antrim 468 443 30 -- -- -- North Ward 278 143 123 -- -- -- South Ward 256 226 25 -- -- -- Concord 22 93 -- -- -- -- Dry Run 94 98 -- -- -- -- Fayetteville 232 190 55 -- -- -- Greenvillage 163 109 95 -- -- -- Guilford 175 197 -- 36 -- -- Hamilton 116 142 -- 25 -- -- Letterkenny 136 227 -- -- -- -- Lurgan 83 139 -- -- -- -- Loudon 78 92 -- 14 -- -- Metal 124 83 -- -- -- -- Montgomery 214 147 150* -- -- -- Orrstown 76 119 -- -- -- -- Peters 152 53 -- -- -- -- Quincy 181 309 -- 93 -- -- Southampton 53 71 -- 20 -- -- Sul. Spring 23 48 -- -- -- -- St. Thomas 138 169 -- 35 -- -- Washington 312 262 -- -- -- -- Warren 50 57 -- -- -- -- Welsh Run 92 145 -- -- -- -- Army Vote 346 259 -- -- -- -- Total 3,862 3,821 -- -- -- --

Lincoln's majority, 41.
*Montgomery and Peters

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A COMPREHENSIVE scheme for benefitting the South by supplying it with labor has been devised in the East; Governor Andrew, of Massachusetts, being at the head of it. The project contemplates the establishment of a central office in New York, where the owners of land in the slave states can become acquainted with Northern purchasers, and thus a stream of emigration be organized which will fill certain sections of the South with a population having Northern energy and ideas. Branch offices will be instituted in all the former slave States. In this way it is hoped to "reconstruct" the Southern States socially as well as politically. The Southern States themselves are doing something of the same kind, and to the same end. It is proposed in several of them to appoint a State Commissioner, with power to ascertain and advertise all lands for sale, to open information offices, to distribute descriptive pamphlets, and to station emigration agents in the chief ports of Europe.

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Local Items--New Bridge

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Local Items--Farm Sold

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Local Items--Taxable Incomes

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TAXABLE INCOMES--We herewith continue the list of taxable incomes of Franklin county. We have been holding back with the expectation of being able to give the whole, but have been disappointed in getting them. The remaining townships, Antrim, Quincy, and Washington, we will publish as soon as received:

COLLECTION DISTRICT NO. 16--DIVISION NOS. 9 AND 12. Montgomery, Warren, Peters, and St. Thomas. Archibald, Wm. $31 Hissong, Adam 157 Angle, Wm. 126 Horner, Robert C. 400 Alleman, Jacob 475 Jacobs, Daniel 93 Boyd, Robert J. 693 Keifer, Jonothan 366 Bear, Sebastian 36 Keyser, John K. 386 Brewer, N. J. 194 Kennedy, Lazarus 752 Bricker, Geo W. 306 Kinsey, David Jr. 185 Brechbill, John 261 Lemaster, David 692 Brindle, Melichi J. 363 Mickley, Henry 196 Brake, John C. 409 Myers, John D. 444 Betz, Henry 745 Myers, David 501 Besserman, Joseph 749 Myers, John S. 552 Brewer, Jacob 35 McDowell, Josiah 449 Brandt, David 228 Myers, John 298 Bushey, Michael 300 McDowell, Alex E. 4,830 Boyd, Mrs. Nancy 672 Miller, Martin 91 Brewer, Daniel 700 Myers, Mary R. 347 Cook, George 1,003 Myers, Abraham 519 Craig, Jesse 73 McDowell, Wm E. 23 Craig, John 853 Miller, Daniel 1,038 Craig, Hugh B. 239 McKinstry, W. D. 1,323 Clarkson, Mrs. Mary 798 Metcalf, Henry 600 Creigh, Rev Dr Thos 517 Myers, B. J. 254 Croft, John Sr. 237 Nisewander, David 179 Coble, Samuel 410 Negley, Jacob 380 Coble, Geo W. 478 Negley, Dr. Eliab 100 Criner, Joseph 601 North, A. J. 251 Cromer, Geo W. 300 Patton, James 447 Divilbiss, David 199 Phell, Adam 587 Dickey, Seth 2,411 Reed, Jacob 82 Dickey, Seth 400 Riggeal, Henry 400 Elliott, Maxwell 76 Ritchey, Atchison 920 Etter, Henry 471 Roberts, James 422 Elliott, Geo W. 62 Reed, William 1,101 Eberly, Henry N. 250 Rankin, James C. 650 Fallen, Michael 340 Shartle, Samuel 800 Freise, Jacob 167 Stoner, John 61 Fohl, Barnard 44 Stoner, Christian M. 659 Frantz, Christian 567 Swartz, John 406 Fohl, David A. 4 Shannon, D. M. B. 271 Foreman, Frederick 5,000 Smith, Adam 164 Grove, Abraham 1,380 Stenger, Peter of C. 1,782 Gingerich, Moses 400 Smith, Frederick 667 Gillan, Thomas 38 Smith, John 295 Gillan, John Sr. 517 Strock, Joseph 168 Gillan, David 800 Shelly, John 657 Gillan, John 600 Scott, James D. 1,721 Gillan, Charles 170 Shirts, John 280 Geril, Samuel 1,204 Steiger, George 568 Gelwicks, Fred'k 234 Thompson, John 1,113 Greenawalt, John 266 Tankersley, John R. 22 Hawbecker, Jacob 277 Teeter, David 482 Hawbecker, John 366 Wolf, John 795 Hoke, Michael 1,327 Wolf, David 401 Higbee, Prof E. E. 26 Whitmore, Abraham 150 Hollinger, Sam'l G. 877 Winger, B E & Co. 558 Harbaugh, Prof H. H. 495 Weiler, David 179 Hassler, John S. 395 Wise, Samuel 120 Hege, Henry L. 1,409 Widder, John 498 Holler, Peter C. 232 Wilson, William 19,400 Hoover, Michael 773 Zimmerman, John 748 Huber, Benjamin 514 Zimmerman, Samuel 356 Heckman, Heirs 395 Hoke, Adam 1,698 Carriages and Buggies (219) $219,00 Huffedtz, Mrs. Louise 145 Haulman, Christian 631 Slaughtered Stock 100,35 Hays, Mariott 657 Gold Plate, Watches, and Pianos 128,40 Hoover, John 1,052 Hock, John 436 Licenses 2,063,80
COLLECTION DISTRICT NO. 16--DIVISION NO. 10 Hamilton and Letterkenny Bricker, Tobias 429 Lehman, Abraham 303 Brechbill, Abraham 805 Myers, Samuel 469 Brechbill, John H. 267 Miller, Michael D. 200 Brechbill, Jacob 278 M'Clellan, Wm G. 525 Brechbill, Christian C. 212 Rife, John 96 Brechbill, Jno C. 279 Rife, Henry H. 1,110 Bossart, William 404 Rife, Henry O. 61 Bossart & Destrich 464 Rife, Jacob 157 Bollinger, Joseph 111 Root, Michael 173 Bert, Peter 520 Sollenberger, Jacob 162 Byers, John 98 Sollenberger, John H. 243 Burkholder, Joseph 509 Sollenberger, Jacob 441 Cauffman, Jacob 424 Shank, Moses 182 Crider, Joseph N. 221 Sleichter, George 127 Deck, Christian 89 Stouffer, Daniel 21 Foust, Israel 4 Stoner, Jacob M. 239 Gilmore, John 65 Snyder, John N. 499 Huber, Abraham 20 Spear, James P. 376 Huber, John of B 417 Sprecher, George 381 Hunsecker, John 6 Sleishter, David Sr. 321 Hafer, Abraham 258 Wall, Jacob 140 Harbaugh, Simon P. 20 Weaver, John H. 1,142 Hunsecker, Abraham 77 Walker, John 4 Hostetter, David K. 497 Wingert, Abraham R. 102 Hounnon, Daniel 364 Zook, John 1,193 Keefer, Wm S.
COLLECTION DISTRICT NO. 16--DIVISION NO.-- Fannett Alexander, John $566 Pumroy, William 784 Burk, William 713 Rider, Joseph 399 Climans, James 186 Skinner, David D. 541 Coulter, Matthew 660 Skinner, S. M. 78 Doyle, B. A. 260 Skinner, Wm of S. 980 Ferguson, James 856 Stitt, John W. 105 Fickinger, John H. 193 Skinner, Daniel 599 M'Cormick, Robert 863 Taylor, George 78 M'Curdy, S. O. 208 Wilson, Andrew 125 Muler, Henry C. 913
Metal Brown, Stephen O. $870 M'Callen, John F. 228 Flickinger, John S. 48 Noonan, William 278 Flickinger, Joseph 72 Walker, John H. 300 Jones, John E. 149

Local Items--The Want of Houses

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Local Items--Brutal Assault and Robbery

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Local Items--The 77th

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Local Items--Re-Captured

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Local Items--New Bridge

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Local Items--Dead

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Local Items--Dedication

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