Valley of the Shadow
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Page is mostly poetry, literature, moral suggestions, etc. Speech of John J. Crittenden of August 2 on the Presidential election, columns 6-7.

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Douglas Convention

(column 1)

Full Text of Article

The Douglas Convention which met in this place on Thursday last, was attended by a large number of delegates. The personel [sic] of the body was very good indeed, much better than Democratic Conventions generally. It was composed of fine-looking and intelligent gentlemen, and the proceedings were not marked by that disorder and "confusion worse confounded" which generally characterize the proceedings of Democratic Conventions. The members did not drink as much mean whiskey as the members in other Democratic Conventions, and consequently were in a better condition to behave themselves.

The members of the Douglas Convention were men of spirit and backbone. They seemed to be conscious of their rights as Democrats, and were determined to maintain them at all hazards and to the last extremity. The large majority of them scorned the idea of affiliating with the Breckinridge party which they denounced as a party of disorganizers and disunionists. The considered the Breckinridge men as mutineers in the ship of Democracy who should be thrown overboard. They were determined to nail the Douglas flag to the mast and, sink or swim, to fight under that flag and no other. The Breckinridge men, feeling that they were about to be driven to the wall, were anxious to unite with the Douglas party, but the latter were resolved to repudiate all propositions of compromise or affiliation.

The Convention contained much more talent than we had expected, and conducted its proceedings with order, regularity and propriety.--Every member seemed to be actuated by a firm determination to preserve the regular organization of his party, and to oppose its seceding disorganizers to the bitter end. It was truly gratifying to us to witness such a spirit of devotion to the Union as was manifested by the members of the Convention. They made such good, eloquent and Union-loving speeches that we thought they ought to be members of the great, national, conservative, Constitutional Union Party. That they are patriots we have not a doubt. There was not a member of that body who harbored in the most secret recesses of his heart a single sentiment hostile to the preservation of our Union and the perpetuation of our glorious free institutions. To all they said so eloquently in behalf of the Union, and in execration of treasonable disunionists, our heart responded. It always does our very soul good to heart sound, patriotic, Union-loving sentiments, even when lisped by a faltering and stammering tongue, and when uttered by eloquent lips we can scarcely refrain from shouting aloud in an ecstasy of joy.

The speeches were so much in the character of those delivered by the members of the Constitutional Union party, that we sometimes almost forgot that we were in a Democratic Convention. The Convention was spirited and enthusiastic, and the proceedings were transacted with concord and harmony. In this respect, too, it resembles the Conventions of the Union party more than those of the Democratic party. It contrasted, not only well, but gloriously, with past Democratic Conventions. Were all the disorder and disgraceful scenes which have heretofore characterized Democratic Conventions caused by those who have seceded from the regular organization? The Convention transacted its business in good order; and when it adjourned, after being favored with stirring speeches by several of the members, and the side-shaking anecdotes of Dr. Stovall, each and every member was in a state of joyous exhilaration.

The Charlottesville Convention

(column 2)

For the Spectator

(column 2)
(column 2)

Douglas Convention at Staunton

(column 3-6)


(column 7)
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Advertisements, land sales, auctions, etc. Parts of columns 1-2 have ink blotches obscuring some text.

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Advertisements. Bottom left is blurry. Columns 6-7 have a few ink blotches.