Valley of the Shadow
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Page Description:

Governor of Maryland rejects call for a session on secession in column 3. Assorted newspaper excerpts in columns 3&4. Secessionist position of Rockingham's Hon. Harris in column 6.


(column 3)

The Methodists on the Crisis

(column 4)
(column 3)

Full Text of Article

Why are our Southern friends kicking up such a row about the election of Lincoln? The "better half" of the concern, Mrs. Lincoln, is strong in her attachment to the institution of slavery. If the women are right, there is not much danger of any great wrong being committed by the men.

Another letter from Governor Letcher

(column 5)
(column 5)
(column 7)
Page 2
Page Description:

Article in column 4 on Gov. Gist is nearly impossible to read. Top and bottom of page is very blurry.

President's Message

(column 2)

Religious Notice

(column 1)
(column 1)
(column 1)
(column 1)
(column 1)
(column 1)
(column 1)
(column 2)

The True Policy

(column 3)

Blind Tom

(column 4)

The President and Utah

(column 5)

Thirty-sixth Congress

(column 6)
(column 5)
(column 5)
(column 6)
(column 5)

Virginia Central Railroad

(column 7)

Virginia Conference

(column 7)
Page 3
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Report of Executive Departments in column 1

The Vote in Virginia

(column 2)


(column 4)
Page 4
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No Page Information Available