Valley of the Shadow
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Page is cropped badly--missing columns 6-7. Print is also darker, more smudged than usual.

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Fragment: columns 6 and 7. Left edge of 6 is cut off.

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Dark and smudgey, lots of scratches. State Legislature, Congressional reports

Change of Proprietorship

(column 1)

Full Text of Article

Change of Proprietorship

It will been seen by the Salutatory of Mr. Samuel M. Yost, that the VINDICATOR has changed hands, and from and after this issue will be under the sole conduct of Mr. Yost.

The accounts for the paper for subscription to the 1st of January, 1860, and for advertising and job work to the 1st of April, 1860, will be retained by us.

It is proper for us to state to the Democracy of Augusta, whose organ has been under our control for the past two years and a half, that the VINDICATOR was never in so flourishing a condition as at present--the subscription list never so large, and the advertising columns never so full.

We also take this opportunity to return our sincere thanks to our patrons in and out of the county for the liberal and generous patronage extended to us during our editorial career as Editors of the VINDICATOR.


It will be seen by the above announcement that the undersigned, from and after the 1st proximo, becomes the sole editor and proprietor of the VINDICATOR newspaper.

In resuming the relations to the readers of the VINDICATOR which he reluctantly severed nearly four years ago, it would be sheer affectation were the writer to confess to a feeling of timidity, or aver an apprehension of his qualifications to meet the demands of the patrons of the paper. An intimate connection with the press for many years would necessarily, if merely obeying the law of mechanics, acquaint him with the routine of editorial life, and more or less, inspire him at least, with a small degree of confidence in himself, without being amenable to the charge of vanity or egotism. Hence, the undersigned hopes, and expects, to publish a paper worthy of the patronage of a generous people, with whom in years gone by, both in the bright days of success and the gloom of defeat, he has shared the fortunes of the Democratic party. An absence from the State of a few years has neither abated his zeal for the perfection of the organization of the party, nor shaken his convictions as to the healthiness and nationality of its principles. On the contrary, a change of latitudes has only served as a tangible demonstration of the great conservative and catholic creed of the Democracy and wedded him to the belief that with its success is intimately linked the prosperity and perpetuity of our system of government.

Entertaining, therefore, an honest and conscientious belief that the Democratic party is the only national organization--whose principles are the same East and West, North and South--and that the elements which constitute the Opposition are dangerous, heterogeneous and impracticable of good, the writer will address himself with zeal and energy to the advancement of the interests of the one and the defeat of the other. Yet in the discussion of the political topics of the day, a studied purpose shall prevail to avoid unjust criminations, and to shrink from trespassing upon limits forbidden by honorable and legitimate rules of political argumentation. Men and measures will be discussed and criticized freely, as it has been the writer's wont heretofore, but he trusts with a delicate regard to what is due private and personal character.

With factions and cliques, if any there be, the VINDICATOR will have no connection. One paramount idea will govern the editor in his political efforts-the publication of a paper which can be looked to by the Democracy of Augusta and of the State as a just and fair and fearless exponent and advocate of the principles of the party--seeking with faithful ardor to uphold its great interests, to cement its organization and secure its success. That the party has been rent and torn by the indiscreet and suicidal course of the friends of particular individuals is a question beyond disputation. The undersigned will be no man's man, but with a free and untrammeled pen, he expects to oppose and repudiate as faithless to the traditional policy of the party any man or set of men who, to promote selfish ends, may be willing to sacrifice the interests of the organization. As its mission is too grand, and its fundamental principles too comprehensive, for it to depend upon the support of any particular individual to give it character and stability, so is it beneath the dignity of the Democratic party to bend to the persecution or promotion of any particular man. With these views, the editor cannot other than deplore and deprecate the unwise and foolish contest which is now being bitterly waged in this State between the friends of two distinguished members of the party. There can no good grow out of it, but possibly great harm; and to the work of healing this imaginary breach it seems to the undersigned to be the paramount duty of every true Democrat. Let not Virginia mar the bright page of her political history by presenting herself at the National Convention divided and distracted; but rather let the approaching occasion be signalized by another exhibition of that unselfish patriotism which has ever marked its action, and again demonstrate her willingness and ability, if need be, not only to give Presidents, but also to make them.

In the general character, the editor hopes to make the VINDICATOR an acceptable newspaper--devoting its columns to the advocacy of every measure or suggestion which can in any way promote the interests of the community.

With this outline, the undersigned announces that after this issue he will assume all the duties and responsibilities of editor and proprietor of the VINDICATOR. By his works he hopes to be judged, and craves that encouragement which it may be the pleasure of an intelligent and refined constituency to extend.


Free Lectures

(column 2)

Southern Retaliation

(column 3)

Full Text of Article

"Again, I contend that the same moral law by which we hold our negroes as slaves, justifies us in making slaves of all negroes upon whom we can lay our hands, wherever they may be found."

Surrender of a Fugitive Slave

(column 4)

Judge Thompson

(column 3)

For the Vindicator

(column 4)
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Candidates announcements in column 2. Cropped badly--missing columns 5-7. Markets in column 3.


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(column 3)

Tribute of Respect

(column 3)
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Columns 6 and 7 from p. 03. Missing column 5, and edge of 6 is cut off.

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