Valley of the Shadow
The Eve of War
Fall 1859–Spring 1861

1860 Census and Summaries

Churches and Voting Precincts

In Franklin County precincts that voted for Lincoln in 1860 also contained the majority of churches in the following denominations: Dunker, German Reformed, Manees, Methodist Episcopal, Union, and United Brethren. Some denominations had churches located in both precincts that went for Lincoln and those that went for Breckinridge: Lutherans and Catholics. The lone African church was located in a precinct that went for Lincoln. The geographic locations of churches relative to the precinct's voting pattern in 1860, then, reveal few clues about ethnicity and political expression.

Denominations Lincoln Breckinridge
African 1 0
Baptist 1 0
Catholic 1 1
Coventer 1 0
Dunker 4 1
German Episcopal 0 1
German Lutheran 1 0
German Reformed 8 4
Lutheran 4 4
Manees 5 0
Methodist 1 0
Methodist Episcopal 6 2
Methodist Presbyterian 1 0
Presbyterian & Methodist 1 0
Presbyterian 3 1
Seceder 1 0
Union 7 1
Union Bethel 0 1
United Brethren 7 2
Unknown 5 1
White Presbyterian 1 0
Denominations High Lincoln Precincts High Breckinridge Precincts High Douglas Precincts
African 0 0 0
Baptist 0 0 0
Catholic 0 1 0
Coventer 0 0 0
Dunker 0 1 2
German Episcopal 0 0 0
German Lutheran 0 0 1
German Reformed 1 2 1
Lutheran 0 1 0
Manees 0 0 2
Methodist 0 0 2
Methodist Episcopal 0 2 0
Methodist Presbyterian 0 0 0
Presbyterian & Methodist 0 0 0
Presbyterian 0 0 0
Seceder 0 0 0
Union 0 0 3
Union Bethel 0 0 0
United Brethren 0 2 2
Unknown 0 1 1
White Presbyterian 0 0 0
High Lincoln Precincts High Breckinridge Precincts High Douglas Precincts
German Reformed (1) Catholic (1) Dunker (2)
Dunker (1) German Lutheran (1)
German Reformed (2) German Reformed (1)
Lutheran (1) Manees (2)
Methodist Episcopal (2) Methodist (2)
United Brethren (2) Union (3)
Unknown (1) United Brethren (2)
Unknown (1)

Note: Precincts that gave “high” support to a candidate where defined as the 3 districts which gave the highest percentage of support to each candidate. Because this includes only 9 of the 23 voting precincts in Franklin, the church totals do not match those given in the table for the whole county.