Valley of the Shadow
The Eve of War
Fall 1859–Spring 1861

1860 Census and Summaries

Denominational Statistics

Augusta possessed larger parishes and invested more in its buildings than Franklin. Both places were highly churched though their denominations differed.

Augusta Franklin
Denomination Number of Churches Aggregate Accommodations Value of Property Number of Churches Aggregate Accommodations Value of Property
Baptist 1 450 8000 2 1200 2400
Baptist (Mennonite) 1 200 400 6 1800 2400
Baptist (Seventh Day Adventist) 0 0 0 1 400 700
Baptist (Tunker) 4 900 1800 2 1100 2800
Baptist (Winebrenner) 0 0 0 2 450 1600
Episcopal 2 1150 22500 1 250 1400
German Reformed 5 1200 8700 19 7860 58800
Lutheran 7 2400 14000 11 4800 42100
Methodist 21 5525 27850 31 9400 39250
Presbyterian 12 5800 45500 7 3450 22600
Presbyterian (Reformed) 0 0 0 4 1100 2700
Presbyterian (United) 0 0 0 2 550 3600
Roman Catholic 1 450 7000 3 850 14900
Union 0 0 0 1 460 3000
Total 54 18,075 $135,750 92 33,670 $200,650

U.S. Census Office, Eighth Census [1860]. Population of the United States in 1860, Compiled from the Original Returns of the Eighth Census. Washington, D.C., 1864.