Valley of the Shadow
The Eve of War
Fall 1859–Spring 1861

1860 Census and Summaries

1860 Presidential Election Voting by Precinct

Constitutional Union candidate John Bell won Augusta with 66 percent of the vote, while Democrat Stephen Douglas—endorsed strongly by the local Democratic paper—took 28 percent. John Breckinridge, the strongest pro-slavery candidate, won less than 6 percent of the Augusta vote.

District Bell Votes Douglas Votes Breckinridge Votes
# % # % # % Total
Staunton, Precinct No. 1 509 59.4 300 35 48 5.6 857
Staunton, Precinct No. 2 171 55.9 104 34 31 10.1 306
Waynesborough 168 59.4 102 36 13 4.6 283
Churchville 155 86.1 20 11.1 5 2.8 180
Mt. Sidney 206 61.5 121 36.1 8 2.4 335
Spring Hill 56 59.6 37 39.4 1 1 94
Middlebrook 166 73.8 28 12.4 31 13.8 225
Greenville 198 77.4 49 19.1 9 3.5 256
Fishersville 82 75.2 24 22 3 2.8 109
New Hope 178 73 61 25 5 2 244
Mt. Meridian 52 66.7 20 25.6 6 7.7 78
Mt. Solon 176 63.8 90 32.6 10 3.6 276
Deerfield 82 90.1 7 7.7 2 2.2 91
Craigsville 71 83.5 11 12.9 3 3.6 85
Newport 86 82.7 12 11.5 6 5.8 104
Stuart's Draft 50 63.3 13 16.5 16 20.2 79
Midway 36 70.6 13 25.5 2 3.9 51
Swoope's Depot 27 67.5 10 25 3 7.5 40
Sherando 50 62.5 18 22.5 12 15 80
Parnassus 34 37 54 58.7 4 4.3 92
Total for All Districts 2553 66 1094 28.3 218 5.7 3865

Source: Staunton Spectator, November 13, 1860, page 2.